How Long Does It Take To Walk 4 Miles

man running forward

Walking offers health benefits by easing anxiety, burning calories for weight control, lowering blood pressure and strengthening muscles. The rhythmic motion releases feel-good endorphins while providing time for contemplation that improves problem-solving. 

Walking 4 miles is a good goal for an enjoyable walk, but how long will it actually take you? The time it takes to walk 4 miles varies depending on your walking speed, fitness level, and any breaks you take. 

To walk 4 miles, most people need about 60 to 80 minutes. This means they walk at a speed of 4 to 3 miles per hour. However, the actual time may vary depending on age, gender, fitness level, and terrain.

Estimating How Long Does It Take To Walk 4 Miles

You may use kilometers, meters, or feet to measure the distance. In this case, 1 mile is the same as 5280 feet, which is about 1609 meters or 1.6 km. So, 4 miles is equal to 21120 feet and roughly 6.4 km.

To give a realistic estimate, we will assume an average walking speed of 3 miles per hour (mph). At this pace, it would take approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes to walk 4 miles. However, fit individuals and people in their peak athletic years may be able to walk 4 miles in under 1 hour by maintaining a faster pace of 4 mph.

You can use the table below to get an idea of how much time you need to walk 4 miles at the speed you want.

Walking Pace/SpeedTime to 4 Miles
1 Mile Per Hour4 Hours
2 Mile Per Hour2 Hours
3 Mile Per Hour1 hour 20 minutes
4 Mile Per Hour1 hour
5 Mile Per Hour48 minutes

Your walking speed may vary from the average based on factors as described in the table below:

FactorImpact on Walking Speed
AgeYounger adults typically walk faster at 3-4 mph. Walking speeds tend to decline with age.
Fitness LevelMore fit individuals have longer strides and faster paces of 3-4 mph or more.
TerrainHilly or uneven ground requires more effort, slowing walking speeds to 2-3 mph.
Weight CarriedCarrying a heavy backpack or using walking poles can decrease speed to 2.5-3.5 mph.
Walking BreaksPeriodic breaks of 5-10 minutes every mile or so increase total time by up to 30-60 minutes.

Most people do not walk for 4 miles without taking occasional breaks. Accounting for 5-10 minute breaks every 1-2 miles would likely increase the total time by 15-30 minutes compared to non-stop walking. 

So while a fit 30 year old may walk 4 miles in under an hour at 4 mph, an older adult with walking breaks may take over 2 hours at a slower 2.5 mph. Walking times can vary widely based on individual characteristics.

How Long Does It Take To Walk 4 Miles

Here is a table showing estimated times to walk 4 miles for different age groups:

Age GroupWalking Speed (mph)Estimated Time to Walk 4 Miles
Teens3.5 – 4.5Between 1 hour and 1 hour 20 minutes
20s – 30s3 – 4Between 1 hour and 1 hour 20 minutes
40s – 50s2.5 – 3.5Between 1 hour 20 minutes and 1 hour 40 minutes
60s – 70s2 – 3Between 1 hour 40 minutes and 2 hours
80+1.5 – 2.5Between 2 hours and 2 hours 40 minutes

According to a study, your age and gender affect how fast you can walk. The study shows that men have a slightly faster walking speed than women. But the differences are not very large.

Research shows that people from young to middle age walk faster than older people and men faster than women under the same conditions.

For instance, people in their 20s to 50s have an average speed of 3 miles per hour when walking slowly, while those in their 60s and above have an average of 2.8 miles per hour when walking slowly.

The study found that women have the best walking speed per mile when they are 40 to 49 years old. Men have the best walking speed when they are 30 to 49 years old.

AgeGenderAverage Speed (Mph)Time for 4 miles walking
20-29Female3.01 hours 20 minutes
Male3.041 hours 19 minutes
30-39Female3.01 hours 20 minutes
Male3.21 hours 15 minutes
40-49Female3.111 hours 17 minutes
Male3.21 hours 15 minutes
50-59Female2.931 hours 22 minutes
Male3.21 hours 15 minutes
60-69Female2.771 hours 27 minutes
Male3.01 hours 20 minutes
70-79Female2.531 hours 35 minutes
Male2.821 hours 25 minutes
80-89Female2.11 hours 54 minutes
Male2.171 hours 51 minutes

How Many Steps to Walk 4 Miles?

The number of steps it takes to walk 4 miles varies based on an individual’s walking speed and stride length, but here are some estimates:

At a walking speed of 3 miles per hour:

  • With an average stride length of 2.5 feet, it would take approximately 9,600 steps to walk 4 miles.
  • With a longer stride length of 3 feet, it would take around 8,000 steps.

At a faster walking speed of 4 miles per hour:

  • With an average 2.5 foot stride, it would be around 12,800 steps.
  • With a 3 foot stride, it would be around 10,667 steps.

In general:

  • The faster your walking speed, the more steps it will take to walk 4 miles since you are taking more strides per minute.
  • A longer stride length means fewer steps are needed since each stride covers more distance.

As mentioned earlier., other factors that impact the number of steps:

  • Age (younger people tend to have longer strides and take fewer steps)
  • Fitness level (more fit individuals often have longer strides)
  • Gender (women on average take more steps to walk the same distance due to shorter leg length and stride)

Does walking 4 miles help in weight loss journey

Yes, walking 4 miles several times a week can definitely help with weight loss by burning significant calories, increasing activity levels, improving heart health and sleep, and providing motivation. Walking 4 miles can have several positive effects on your body:

  • Improved cardiovascular health – Walking 4 miles at a moderate pace can elevate your heart rate and get your blood pumping. This improves heart health and lowers risks for conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease.
  • Weight loss – Walking 4 miles can burn anywhere from 400 to 600 calories, depending on your weight and pace. This small amount of weight loss adds up over time to support safe and sustainable weight management.
  • Stronger muscles and bones – Walking works your leg muscles with each step and impacts your entire skeletal system. This helps maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis.
  • Better mood and energy – The physical activity from walking 4 miles can boost endorphins in your brain, improving your mood and mental wellbeing. You may also feel more energized after your walk.
  • Reduced inflammation – The repetitive motion of walking may reduce inflammation throughout your body, lowering risks for conditions like arthritis.
  • Better sleep – The physical activity and time spent outdoors can promote better quality sleep due to increased tiredness and relaxation.
  • Stress relief – Walking gives your mind a chance to rest and lets you clear your head, reducing symptoms of stress and anxiety.



So in summary, walking 4 miles for the average person at a moderate pace of 3 mph will likely take around 1 hour and 40 minutes with breaks. However, times may vary significantly based on individual factors. The main benefits come from getting outside and being active.